Cobalt Beach Is Named As A UK Government


We have been approved by Crown Commercial Services to supply data and analytics services to HM Government as well as government agencies and other public sector bodies under the Digital Outcomes 6 programme

Crown Commercial Services manages UK Government suppliers

Crown Commercial Services is an executive agency and trading fund of the Cabinet Office of the UK Government charged with managing suppliers to the public sector

Data & Analytics Services For UK Government

Having signed contracts with Crown Commerical Services, we can now provide data and analytics services to public sector bodies, including central and local government and agencies, under the “Digital Outcomes 6” programme.

Joining Digital Outcomes 6 will allow us to tender for work as a pre-approved UK Government supplier when the scheme opens on 10th August, 2022.

Under the scheme, we will be able to support public sector organisations with the same range of services we already offer business customers, including:

  • data architecture
  • data strategy
  • design and build of data warehouses and data lakes
  • development and deployment of business intelligence dashboards

Mark Bowden, Director of Cobalt Beach, said, “I’m delighted that we have met the UK government’s standards and been able to sign this contract. I truly believe that as a UK Government supplier, we can bring innovative and cost-effective solutions to the public sector under this deal.

With almost £800m per year spent under this scheme, and public sector bodies holding large and increasing amounts of data, it represents a significant new market for Cobalt Beach and an opportunity to bring best practices from industry into public sector organisations.

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